Quaint - The Faceless Artist v L - The Street Poet (Lyrics)

PC: PavillionMedia #Pieoneers
Warzone 8 – Quadros (Main Event - Title Match)
09 September 2017 @MainWash (Gaborone)

(Lyrics extracted from 'ThirtySix Chambers' break down video on Facebook, written by both Quaint and L)

Quaint – The Faceless Artist (Round 1)
His battle with Chro finally dropped
So you actually been to South Africa, Wow!
You International rap star you!
With your world conquering hot schemes
Bro, so you're globetrotting in Jozi
When Blain went all the way to... Wait that's a sore topic I'm sorry
So it's L versus Quaint, well let's settle the difference!
The energy that I channel is different
The true identity of who I'm meant to be would baffle a Christian
And the proof record of my true methods is in a Vatican vault as a threat to the catholic system
But your performance? On and off, I guess the champ is a flip switch
I came to push this kid off the top like a Lannister visit
I'm grabbin his kingdom!
Granted he's gifted but you lack the capital factor of interest
So I'm the lone/loan provider that's handling business
It baffles the wits that y'all keep gassin this arrogant infant like L is the illest battling in this
Well I don't cosign/cosine that tangent is twisted and doesn’t add up to a mathematician
So this square will get lifted, and taken to his roots to balance the system
So panic and grimace! Kneel before your eternal master apprentice
Or i'll mangle him quick with animal instincts for the judging panel to witness
Stand at attention when you meet a seasoned general
You should listen when the elders speak
L the street cred is weak, fact that he's champ, a joke!
A teething virgin poet who needs a better flow, this foetus hasn't grown!/
You're peaking at a low so seize an L and go!
You're in the deepest rabbit hole,
And won't manage to understand
That you average with much to learn
But then L is in wonderland (Alice in wonderland)
They say L a gory (Allegory) rapper,
When he hasn't figured speech yet man I can tell a story better
The shame is this, to raise the kid i have to face the bitch
Since L a moany (alimony) bastard
See I'm not the average maple sauce to table cloth - spot the fabric
I'll put you in a Ziplock pronto
And I craft a rhyme in such perfect time it ticked off Chronos

 L – The Street Poet (Round 1)
Quaint - The Faceless Artist/ Who can praise this tasteless garbage?/
Anyway, it's safe to say you'll get laid to waste regardless/
Face the carnage, when I'm done you'd be Jane Doe –
It’ll be hard to identify this nameless bitch's carcass/
So you seek a death wish/ Let's see and test if you'll reach the end, bitch/
I'm an evil presence: beat you breathless, leave you shredded till your feeble flesh rips/
You're the guy who battles dressed as a Sunday school teacher - how sweet & affectionate/
And now the little bitch expecting a body on cam, what is this? 16 & Pregnant?/
Scrambles4Money - that was the legend I knew/
A truly inspiring story but it was set to die soon/
You clicked with Zulus and Xhosas, but came back home it was hard to identify you/
And I'm supported by the Setswana alphabet because it's never recognized 'Q'/
Battling me, you played yourself/
I'm raising hell with a blaze that made Satan pray for help/
Isn't it fitting how I'm killing him? It's okay to blame yourself/
After all, it's an L that puts and end to your name, aint it, Gabriel?/
As an emcee, you're everything I never want to be, you lame as shit/
Dedicating most your life to the culture but very little came from it/
Your catalogue is so weightless and paper thin it must ache within/
I'll help you out though - i'll beat the Best Of Quaint till you think that's his Greatest Hit/
In top tier, you're incomplete, yet you got raw nerve/
You try to peak, fail miserably, not even in short bursts/
I guess your penmanship is lacking we can see it for sure/
I guess the kid came out underdeveloped like premature birth/
He's a pussy, so you'll lose for even trying/
Typical Facebook rapper, the type who would inbox you trying to prove he's a lion/
You're a featherweight, I'm the guy you wouldn't box, you're lying/
Make this your funeral, put you in a wooden box you'll lie in//

Quaint – The Faceless Artist (Round 2)
Politicians pocket pick and rob the system all to cop a crib that's posh to live in
When my people need shelter
And today it's the same hobos that are telling me the Street's nice!
Maaaan I don't believe these guys!
Come on homie, you not even close to this league of mine
It’s predefined; our genotype's the reason why
Street light but this ain’t even tied (eventide)
I'll beat this guy
I bleed these lines to honour a pact I made with the beast inside
But you just need to shine,
Listen Mr Puns and setups, you need to realise that subject matters
Mr such and such has kindergarten bars with a hint of what the fuck
In an alternate universe we're having a normal battle where you're not a mighty morphin power ranger
But they say L is second to none
I said please, i'll dead him in one
They said He might have wrestling bars
I was like No he won't
They said bro be warned,
I'm like ok then what road he on?
They said Quaint what are you gonna do when mentions Pokemon
[I said] Pardon the boast but I'm mad nice!
I'm Nasir Jones in L's eye
I'm crushing a clone it's a sad sight
The stage is covered in smoke under a bad light
You see L as a hovering ghost watching himself die
Let's close the chapter - i'll finish the job
Coz this ignorant tall insignificant blob doesnt deserve to be living at all
I'll piss in the primordial rivers and pond
You were slithering from
In your primitive form as a lizard or frog and kill you before your whole lineage is born
So do you like your face? Well one click and its gone
That k/9 will bring that fire round like a heliodog
Kneel to your god
I merely pity your inferior simian form
Your feeble deformed features cannot compete with a boss
So minion fall!!! And show some respect, For this nicotine fiend life's a sobering test
I hope smoke in your chest starts corroding your flesh and vocals collapse till you have to breathe and speak through an artificial hole in your neck

L – The Street Poet (Round 2)
I'll bet you were told "it's not about the size of the man in the fight, but the size of the fight in the ma-" bitch you were lied to/
Everything about you is size 2 from your IQ to your height too/
What's wrong with him?/
Truth is you could never fill my shoes, you'd probably get lost in 'em/
I figured I'd give you room to grow, just to see what this bitch do/
You aint tailored like the rest of us, plain and simple/
You and I aint cut from the same cloth that makes me official/
See, you're too Small to try L on for size - this is the Medium to show it just doesn't fit you/
He's a computer geek, to beat him I really dont need both hands/
A veteran too? Nigga please, you're the nigga I call whenever my PC gon crash/
As much as we in the digital age I have alternative methods that flow fam/
So I really don't need to click with an icon to open my own program/
Ever wonder how this computer geek approaches girls? Looking all pathetic and moist/
He introduces himself as a dungeon rapper - a topic he never avoids/
And he still wonder why he never got laid for a while as if he ever had a choice/
See your love life resembles a hook - you always get curved before you get to the point/
You love battling so much but you were never that dude/
A couple of weeks ago you battled me on my own Facebook post - you fallible fool/
You'd probably get yourself heartbroken to let us know the depression you're battling through/
Fuck, I swear you'd be delighted to get cancer - just so you can say you battled that too/
I know your little secret, how you conjured this 'Faceless' theme/
How you embarked and chased that dream/
How you bought and tried all the facial creams/
But it still haunts you that you'll never model for Maybelline/

Quaint – The Faceless Artist (Round 3)
He's always posting on facebook in zulu like he wants botswana to be the new south africa
What's going on L?
You were supposed to be a true ambassador and prove we're brutal battlers
But once you crossed over and blew you forgot the own people and switched sides like the useless character from the movie avatar/
And I bet it was all funny - you battled a drunk hymphatic thabs
And had a laugh with your buddies
But you postponed a warzone battle and abandoned your country
Just to get respect in a different place is that what you scramble for money?
I'm mad at this tall dummy
Coz either you die a hero or live long enough to become a villain
This the part when karma visits and we stick a blade in the heart
Of a once beloved king whose path has switched since
Coz when you started spitting your heart was in this,
Young and gifted noggin splittin composition,
Soon as you got a mission then target finished
We loved your writtens
But somehow that plot has twisted
Nowadays you're not as viscious or convincing
Just a contradiction, a monarch that disregards the starving kingdom
Gassed up and lies about it, you VW car emissions,
So cut the bitching
This fucking princess will get crushed to bits when I'm done with him
What sucks is this -
You haven't done a fucking thing
When the league was struggling
So when they say L got lines to me it means another thing
That a bunch of strings are a part of him - YOU ARE THE PUPPET KING!
& Selby owes you money, bet you thought that wouldn’t come up bitch!
That's a real life battle Mr Champ, why don't you rebuttal him?
Since you got that whole underground runner thing!
Then it's only fair that he's your Tony Blair and you're Saddam his bitch
You can't stand the truth? Grow a sack (grower sack) like kangaroos [or a mammal's womb]
I got facts for you
You won your first battle in scrambles because you had the Heit advantage
They wanted to put you in the draft league coz they doubted your writing standards
I literally for you and that's why they started you off on a higher passage
So I been Big brother watching, his fame in reality is because of I in essence

L – The Street Poet (Round 3)
Ever since you came from retirement, you've shown no sign of improvement/
Your soft style is all kinds of foolish/
You talk like you rule shit/
But got sliced and chewed when Kgox silenced you with raw rhymes and proved that -/
This bitch a fairytale, yeah Cinderella, we can tell how the shoe fits/
Nigga, you made more wring than write moves/
Even the low ranking cats not threatened what the 'god' might do/
From BW to SA niggas made your name something they walk right through/
Quit rap, because even anaesthesia never lost it's touch like you/
I choked against The Maverick 3 years ago - to claim gold/
You choked in your last battle, it was the end of your run like Usain Bolt/
You and I ain't nothing alike, no, you aint close/
At least I burn and cook over 2 rounds like two plate stoves/
Don’t ever get to think you were made for this, you're largely inferior/
Don’t ever get to think getting a title shot makes you somewhat superior/
Act all brave and tough if you want, it makes the job that much easier/
See you best resemble Ironman - you're still light hearted underneath all that hard exterior/
You said 'I brought a devoted round like wedding rings' not so romantic/
This hopeless has-been’s total trash and won’t go back to golden standards so you chose to vanish/
It's so apparent this phoney bastard and rap don't go hand in hand so let's close the casket on that broken marriage/
I'm as live as it gets/
You'll just die the more you try to resist/
Who you trying to convince? I'll slice you to bits till your kind is extinct/
You might've narrowly escaped the 1st abortion but today you just won't survive in this bitch/
So I had to craft and abundance of rap and them punish/
This massive, redundant, trash and repulsive faggot with hazardous substance/
So no matter what you happen to come with/
I'm champ, you'll always be Frodo's African cousin/


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