Pieoneers had a chance to engage in a captivating interview with philanthropist and social activist Nandini Kochar. She is the founder of Ray Of Hope Botswana. " Ray Of Hope Botswana was established in 2015 as a grassroots youth-run organisation with the pure purpose of educating and empowering underprivileged children and women in rural areas. Our team of committed high school and college volunteers have been running weekly educational programs for over 50 children at Gamodubu Village, including HIV/AIDs patients, rape survivors and orphans. We recently started a woman empowerment social enterprise called, Hope for Her, wherein we tap into traditional artistry of rural Batswana women and sell handmade eco-friendly jewelry by them, ploughing back the raised funds into their community. Ray of Hope also has a branch in the UK, educating and empowering marginalized and financially deprived communities through tutoring and self defense classes. " - Nandini Kochar Nandin...